+603 7848 1018 / 1028
+603 7848 1018 / 1028


Welding Institute of Malaysia (WIM) is a non-profit membership organisation and society formed to raise awareness on the science and practice of welding, joining, cutting and related technologies, and quality in welding workmanship.

Membership Benefits

  • Technical information and guidance on welding, joining, inspection and allied technologies through the quarterly WIM newsletter, a dedicated WIM web site and other social media e.g. Facebook
  • Special discounts for attending WIM and TWI S.E.A. training courses which are organised regularly.
  • Free attendance for attending technical talks/seminars.
  • For Corporate Members – allocation of free advertising in WIM’s website.
  • Guidance and advice on how to plan, record and receive recognition for professional and career development.
  • Professional status – a recognized mark of attainment for engineers, technicians and others involved in welding, joining and related activities.
  • Networking with companies and individuals in the field of welding, joining, inspection and other technologies.
  • A ‘Certificate of Membership’ for Corporate Members and ‘Membership Card’ for Individual Member to confirm status.
as at 30th November 2023


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