+603 7848 1018 / 1028
+603 7848 1018 / 1028


Welding Institute of Malaysia (WIM) is a non-profit membership organisation and society formed to raise awareness on the science and practice of welding, joining, cutting and related technologies, and quality in welding workmanship.


  • What is WIM and its objectives?

    Welding Institute (Malaysia) Bhd was established in 2004 to provide a focus for individuals and organizations that are involved in welding, joining, cutting and associated technologies.

    WIM’s objectives are to provide and improve knowledge on welding and related technologies through newsletters, publication and encourage qualification and continuing professional development through training, seminars and conferences.

    WIM’s overall aim is to promote new welding, joining and cutting technologies in all areas of the welding industry.


  • What are the benefits of membership?

    1) Technical information and guidance on welding, joining, inspection and allied technologies through the quarterly WIM newsletter, a dedicated WIM web site and other social media e.g. Facebook
    2) Special discounts for attending training courses, which are organised regularly.
    3) Free attendance for attending WIM technical talks/seminars/webinar and access to all papers presented.
    4) For Corporate Members – allocation of free advertising in WIM’s website.
    5) Guidance and advice on how to plan, record and receive recognition for professional and career development.
    6) Professional status – a recognized mark of attainment for engineers, technicians and others involved in welding, joining and related activities.
    7) Networking with companies and individuals in the field of welding, joining, inspection and other technologies.
    8) A ‘Certificate of Membership’ for Corporate Members and ‘Membership Card’ for Individual Member to confirm status.

  • How do I join WIM and how much does it costs?

    Contact us on line or at the address below or fill in the application form on line.

    Categories of membership are as follows :

    All membership fees are subject to 6% GST w.e.f. 1st Oct 2016