+603 7848 1018 / 1028
+603 7848 1018 / 1028


Welding Institute of Malaysia (WIM) is a non-profit membership organisation and society formed to raise awareness on the science and practice of welding, joining, cutting and related technologies, and quality in welding workmanship.

Basic Practical Welding Courses

Basic Practical Welding courses are conducted for those who want to have basic practical hands-on knowledge and understanding of the common arc welding processes :

• SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding) or MMA (Manual Metal Arc Welding)
• GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding) or TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas)
• GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding) or MIG/MAG (Metal Inert Gas / Metal Active Gas)
• Package of SMAW. GTAW & GMAW processes


All the above courses are registered and approved under the Human Resources Development Corp (HRDC) SBL KHAS scheme


The Malaysia Board of Technologist (MBOT) has approved Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours for the following course:

  Course CPD hours
 Basic Practical Welding-Package of SMAW, GTAW & GMAW Processes 30


CPD Hours are essential to renew the certificate of registration from Professional Technologists (Ts) and Certified Technicians (Tc).

These CPD hours are only valid for 1 year and cannot be carried forward from one year to another.


CPD Hours/Year

Professional Technologists (Ts) Certified Technicians (Tc)
30 Hours 20 Hours


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